The Rose window at the front of the church has eight distinct symbols.
Starting at eleven o'clock and going to the right these are the symbols that are depicted:
(1) Crucifix
(2) Red Rose with five petals
(3) Unicorn (symbol of purity)
(4) Immaculate Heart of Mary
(5) Loaves and Fish
(6) Two Turtle Doves
(7) Dove discending to the earth
(8) Sacred Heart of Jesus
In the middle is a five pronged star called the star of Bethlehem.
This window is one of the most recognizable and signature aspects of St. Mary's
and is the inspiration for the artwork that appears on the stationery
for the Parish and St. Mary's School (including this website)
It is not only loaded with symbols of our faith, but being on the east wall of the church,
it can yield a spectacular sight shortly after sunrise.