Baptism is an important moment in the life of your family and of your child. Through baptism your child enters into the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. Your child is freed from the power of Original Sin and enters into the new life of God’s grace made possible through the death and resurrection of Christ. As you prepare to have your child baptized, here are some things you should know.
The Church has a special blessing for your unborn child called “The Blessing of a Child in the Womb.” This blessing is usually given after the 11:00 AM Mass for expectant parents. While brief, the blessing is beautiful and rich. If you would like to receive this blessing before the birth of your child, contact the Parish Office to schedule a time for this blessing.
Parents who have not previously completed baptismal instruction at St. Mary’s should do the following:
Call the Parish Office (860 658 7627) to schedule a Baptism Preparation Class.
The Church Office will provide you with an information form to complete and tell you where the class will be held
Your child’s godparents can play an important role in helping to raise your child in the Catholic faith. There are normally two godparents for the child: a godfather and a godmother.
Godparents should be practicing Catholics who have been confirmed and can model their faith to your children in the years to come. Therefore choose godparents who faithfully practice their faith.
Prospective godparents must obtain a certificate from their pastor indicating that they are practicing Catholics. Since those who no longer practice their faith will not be able to obtain such a form please do not ask people who are non-practicing Catholics to be godparents.
Godparents should obtain this certificate well in advance of the baptism. Bring or send this certificate to St. Mary’s Church Office.
Although non-Catholic Christians cannot serve as godparents, they can serve as Christian witnesses at the baptism and will be listed as such on the baptismal certificate. One of the godparents, however, must be a Catholic.
We are serving new parents who request to have their child baptized in the Catholic faith.
We prepare new parents for raising their children in the Catholic faith. Families participate in a one hour session prior to the Baptism ceremony to better understand their roles and responsibilities.
For more information, click on the link below: