We invite you to prayerfully consider where God may be calling you to deepen your prayer, discipleship and service. The journey of faith is never-ending, and there are always new horizons to explore, paths to walk, and opportunities to serve. As Saint Paul teaches us in both the Letters to the Romans and Corinthians, we are many and one. A diverse community with many gifts, but all united in Christ’s body. We invite you to scroll through the links below to consider where in your journey of faith God may be calling you to engage more deeply.
Visit our Adult Enrichment page to learn about opportunities including Bible studies, retreats, prayer line volunteers and RCIA.
We review and address questions thru discussion of scripture and how it relates to our lives.
We have a strong Faith Formation program as well as a summer Vacation Bible School. We invite adults to join us in assisting with these programs.
We are a fellowship of men committed to deepen our relationship with God and bring faith into our daily lives.
Men's Ministry
The mission of the Spiritual Gifts Ministry is to empower and enable Christians to find their calling and to serve our community. Parishioners are encouraged to attend a workshop to learn what spiritual gifts thay have to share with our parish and community.
Spiritual Gifts Ministry
We provide the women of our parish opportunities to deepen their faith and socialize with other women in our Parish.
Women's Ministry
A youth night or youth group is a great way of forming community, fellowship and creating a good springboard for larger events, trips, missions, service in the community and parish
Youth Ministry
Click "Help Me Serve" to reach out. We are happy to get back to you with information about service opportunities that will utilize your unique gifts.