The Liturgy committee strives to have the celebration of the Eucharist always reflect that it is the most important work of the parish community.
We meet monthly to promote an appropriate environment for worship, and to foster communication, collaboration and consultation among all participants in the liturgy.
To continually improve the participation and experience in the greatest prayer that we can offer as community, the celebration of the Eucharist.
Contact Larry Christian if you would like to serve on this Committee.
A few examples of what has come out of our committee include:
Welcoming regular, returning and new parishioners as they arrive at church.
Trying to increase the participation of the congregation in singing.
Using Mass settings specifically for each season, Advent , Lent, Easter.
Using silence and pauses after the readings, after the homily and during the prayer of the faithful petitions.
Waiting for ushers to complete the collection process before the offertory procession begins so that they can present our offerings with the bread and wine being brought to the altar
The Chair of the committee is Larry Christian.
We have representatives from lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, music ministries, ushers and altar servers to assist our pastor, Fr. Stephen, in preparing the liturgy.
All gifts and those who feel called are welcome! Some gifts which are particularly helpful in growing and running this ministry include: