We are a fellowship of men committed to deepen our relationship with God and bring faith into our daily lives.
We currently have over 100 members with about 20-25 who attend regularly and continue to experience growth in membership.
We meet every week in a small group format to reflect on the Gospel readings and their relevance in our daily lives.
Join us in person in the Forcucci Faith Formation Center (2nd and last Saturdays) or via Zoom Saturday mornings from 8:00-9:30 AM.
Contact [email protected] to receive the Zoom meeting ID and Password.
We are seeking to double membership through personal invitations this year.
We plan to give testimonials after all Masses. We have a proven way for men to bring faith more fully into their lives which we want to share with others.
Zoom Facilitation. We currently have three members who know how to facilitate Zoom breakout rooms and would like to grow that by a few to provide coverage when men are away. Anyone with this skill or who are willing to learn is welcome!
Calling All Young Men! The majority of our members have at least some grey hair. We do have a few younger men active in the group and would like to grow this contingent.
We are part of a network of over forty Men’s Ministry groups across the country
You do not have to be Catholic to participate.
We have a few members who are out of state.
Our hybrid meeting capabilities (in-person and zoom) were featured on mensministryusa.com.
We are blessed to have a number of clergy who participate.
Mike Dunn
Jon Hughes
Sean Hughes
John Kimball
Jeff Ryan
For additional information please contact:
Sean Hughes ([email protected])
John Kimball ([email protected])
All gifts and those who feel called are welcome! Some gifts which are particularly helpful in growing and running this ministry include:
Nurturing Leadership
“I’m not the type who typically would join a group like this but find myself coming every week”
“Men’s Ministry has been a wonderful way for me to help me bring the gospel into my daily life”