Advent is upon us. We are looking for volunteers to help decorate the Church for the season. If you can help, please call the Parish Office or send an email to [email protected].
Thank-you to everyone who baked for the Youth Group (Gr. 9-12) Bake Sale, sponsoring the Father Cunningham Scholarship. We were able to raise over $500 with your help! There should be another bake sale coming up in the Spring. Your help is truly appreciated!
Volunteers are needed on Saturday, December 17th from 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM at "Saturday with the Elves". 2 hour shifts are great! Please call Mrs. Whittemore ASAP at 860-913-0241.
A big thank-you to all who took a prayer lamb and have been praying for your special second grader as he/she prepares to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Due to the October sotrm and the cancellation of Religious Education classes we have rescheduled First Reconciliation for January 7th. Please send in your card if you haven't already done so by 1/2. (Address: St. Mary's Church, PO Box 575, Simsbury, CT 06070; include the child's name on the envelope).