Starting in 2015, we will be communicating to all Edge and Life Teen families using more frequent e-mail distributions. These emails are separate from the weekly parish updates that are sent each Friday. Father Matera sent out the first Edge and Life Teen communication on January 8th giving an update on what to expect in the upcoming months. If you did not receive this email click on the email icon on our home page to subscribe. All questions regarding email communications should be directed to the Communications Committee at [email protected].
Have you been receiving our weekly updates via Email? This is a great way to stay connected to the parish and to keep track of upcoming events. We have added a new feature to our emails so you can now select what emails you would like to receive by clicking on “Preferences” at the bottom of the email. Click the title to read more.
Please note that the Parish Office is open from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM on Monday through Thursday, and from 8:30 AM to noon on Friday. The Office is closed on Friday afternoons.
Fr. Robert Vujs, (pronounced “voice”) a retired Maryknoll Missionary who worked in Kenya for 40 years and Tanzania for 9 years, will be assisting Father Matera with Masses on the weekends. Father Vujs has been here in the past and many of you already know him. Please join us in welcoming him back to St. Mary’s.
With the departure of Fr. Santiago, we will be adjusting the Daily Mass Schedule. Accordingly, there will be daily Mass on Monday through Thursday, but not on Friday and Saturday, except for the monthly School Masses.
Attention St. Mary's High School Youth!! (including current 8th graders): Interested in getting to know God better with thousands of other high school youth at a fun and energizing weekend conference? Ignite your summer by attending the annual Steubenville East Youth Conference the weekend of July 17-19, 2015. St. Mary's will be sending a group of high school youth to the conference in Massachusetts, and we are planning for the conference now. Sound appealing? Click the title to read more.