We are asking parishioners to pray for our 2nd graders as they prepare to receive the Eucharist for the first time. Baskets are located at all the entrances of the church with envelopes. Inside the envelope is the name of a 2nd grader and instructions. We encourage you to take a child’s name and pray for that child. The children will be thrilled to see someone has been praying for them.
Are you interested in becoming an Altar Server for Saint Mary's Church? All students in 4th grade and above are invited to attend our yearly training program. There will be four training sessions on the following Saturdays from 1:30-2:30 PM in the Church: February 20, 27, March 5,12. Candidates must attend all four sessions. Please contact Diana Kalamarides ([email protected]) with any questions.
Lent is a time to prepare for Easter. Throughout Lent there are days of fasting and abstinence to help us get ready. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence. Fasting means to refrain from eating food between meals and to eat only one full meal with the other two being light meals. It is required of those who are 18 to 59. Liquids are permitted between meals. Abstinence means to refrain from eating meat. It is require of those who are 14 years of age and older on the days listed above.
On June 4th, Amy Ekeh has graciously agreed to come back to St. Mary's to present a mini-day retreat for the women of our parish. Join us for a day of prayer, presentations, quiet time, discussion and fellowship. Click the title to read more.
Join the women of St. Mary's for a weekend Retreat at Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Center in Farmington, CT on February 26-28. This year’s theme, Encountering the Tenderness of God, will help us reflect on our encounters with a God who call us Beloved, along with pondering our resistance and how we can live out the “Tenderness of God” in our own lives. Click the title to read more.