We were humbled to serve as the leadership team for the first youth rally at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Hartford. For more information, click the title.
This Catholic Youth Conference includes music, talks from dynamic speakers, Adoration, Confession, and the celebration of Mass, with 3,000 teenagers from across the northeast in a high-energy environment. IGNITE is hosting a follow up on Saturday including Mass, dinner in the lounge, and praise and worship with the band. For more information, click the title.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops organized an event in Orlando, Florida to gather Catholic leaders from around the country "to assess the challenges and opportunities of our time" (USCCB). Back in January, our Youth Minister was nominated to attend as a representative of the Archdiocese of Hartford. She is part of a group of twenty-five delegates who are currently attending as members of the Hartford Delegation along with Archbishop Blair and over 3,000 from across the country. For more information, click the title.