We are asking all parishioners to participate in the nomination and subsequent election process to our Parish Council.
The Parish Council is an advisory body to the Pastor; it helps relay the needs/concerns of the parish and provide suggestions and initiatives to promote the functioning and growth of the parish. Members of the Parish Council in many ways serve as your voice in matters of spiritual need and direction.
Details of our 2021 nominations and election process:
Nominations will be accepted through May 10
All parishioners who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and are 18 years of age or older are eligible to serve on the Council.
You may nominate yourself or another parishioner
We are filling two (2) at-large seats in 2021
Simply use the online form below, which is submitted anonymously to the nomination committee.
Candidates for the council will have their bios available at the church prior to the parish elections.
To make a nomination, simply complete the following information and hit 'Submit'.