We invite you to prayerfully consider where God may be calling you to deepen your prayer, discipleship and service. The journey of faith is never-ending, and there are always new horizons to explore, paths to walk, and opportunities to serve. As Saint Paul teaches us in both the Letters to the Romans and Corinthians, we are many and one. A diverse community with many gifts, but all united in Christ’s body. We invite you to scroll through the links below to consider where in your journey of faith God may be calling you to engage more deeply.
The Altar Linen Ministry serves an important role in making sure all of the altar cloths used in our liturgies are clean and ironed.
Altar Servers are members of a very special group of young people in our parish who have answered God’s call to ministry.
We are serving new parents who request to have their child baptized in the Catholic faith.
The Christmas Giving Tree provides gifts which benefit local charities during the holiday season.
We are Catholic lay persons who are commissioned to aid our parish in the distribution of Holy Communion -- the body and blood, soul and divinity of the risen Christ.
EM of Holy Communion
We work with the pastor in an advisory capacity on finaicial matters in the parish.
Finance Council
This group of parishioners puts together the flowers that are under the crucifix during Ordinary Time. They rotate taking responsibility for making sure that fresh flowers and arrangements are in the church each week.
We serve as acolytes, greeters, Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors at funerals. We follow up with individuals and families after the death of a loved one and provide ongoing bereavement support from grief to healing.
Funeral & Bereavement Ministry
Save your old or new unwanted treasures and donate them to our Granny’s Attic fundraiser.
Granny's Attic
We serve those homebound and residents of Governor's house rehabilitation center, Virginia Connolly, and Anthology.
Homebound Ministry
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men's fraternal benefit society that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families.
Knights of Columubs
During the Liturgical celebration, it is the Lector’s humbling privilege and responsibility to be the human voice of God’s Living Word.
We strive to enhance the worship experience for our families throughout the year by decorating the church.
Liturgical Decorations
The Liturgy committee strives to have the celebration of the Eucharist always reflect that it is the most important work of the parish community.
Liturgy Committee
We share God's Gospel through music and lead the congregation in worship to provide a path through which fellow parishioners may share their gifts. Honoring and encouraging the call to participate with music is an integral part of our faith journey.
Music Ministry
Our parish office uses many volunteers to help with tasks throughout the year. If you are interested in learning more use the link below.
Office Support
We are an advisory panel that serves to help stimulate the many programs within the parish and to serve as a consultative body for our Pastor.
Parish Council
We hope you will find it a source for continual spiritual exploration and growth. The St. Mary's Parish Library is available to all registered parishioners.
Parish Library
We pray for people in need: healing, medical concerns, a job, financial, family issues, bereavement and many more issues that people seek assistance and peace.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer shawls and prayer squares are available for specially made for parishioners to give to friends and family for comfort or special occasions.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
We offer our support to help people in need and provide opportunities for parishioners to donate food and supplies to the poor.
Social Action
Stephen Ministry is a lay ministry program that equips people to provide Christian care to those experiencing any type of life need.
Stephen Ministry
We are always looking for individuals who can assist with various technology needs throughout the year.
Technology Support
Our ushers assist in collecting the offertory during the masses.
Click "Help Me Serve" to reach out. We are happy to get back to you with information about service opportunities that will utilize your unique gifts.