In an effort to keep everyone caught up with the curriculum, below is make-up work that should be completed in the event your child is absent. Our guideline is that students should miss no more than 2 in-person classes but that ALL classes are made up using the links below.
Grade 9 - (9/18/22) - Fr. Ricardo / Why is there Something Rather Than Nothing?
Grade 10 - (9/18/22) - Fr. Ricardo / Kerygma
Grades 9 & 10 (10/16/22) - Deacon Art
Grade 9 - (10/30/22) - Fr. Ricardo / Sin & Its Consequence
Grade 10 (10/30/22) - What it Means to Be A Catholic Adult?
Grades 9 & 10 (11/13/22) - Teaching Mass
(Teaching Mass LInk:
Grade 9 (12/4/22) - Fr. Ricardo / God's Shocking Response to Sin (Jen Shiman)
Grade 10 (12/4/22) - Sacrament of Confirmation (Igor Lepak)
Grade 9 & 10 (12/18/22) - Catholic Missionaries (Brianna & Gavin)
Grade 9 (1/22/23) - Fr. Ricardo / Our Response (Lori Ryan)
Grade 10 (1/22/23) - Why is the Bible Relevant (Fr. Stephen)
Grades 9 & 10 (2/5/23) - Speaker on Chastity and Marriage (Curtiss Stella)
Grades 9 & 10 (2/26/2023) - The Gift of the Eucharist (Steve Lombardi)
Grades 9 & 10 (3/12/2023) - Restored in Jesus Christ (Mark Hart)
Below are links to all the communications from the 2022-2023 year.
Welcome Letter w/ Calendar Dates(8/29/22)
Sign-Up for REMIND Text Reminders (9/9/2022)
Faith & Service Information (9/12/2022)
Faith & Service Log Form (9/12/2022)
Attendance Expectations / PickUp & Drop Off (9/18/2022)
Faith & Service Opportunities (Week of 9/25/2022)
Next Class (10/16 ) & Sandwich Making (10/11/2022)
New Youth Minister & Faith/Service Opportunities (10/17/2022)
Faith & Service Opportunities (11/1/22 & 11/6/22)
Faith Formation Meets on Sunday (11/13/22) - Teaching Mass
Faith & Service Opportunities (11/11/2022)
Faith Formation Meets on Sunday (12/18/22)
Confirmation Date is Set - April 23rd (1/15/23)
Faith & Service Opportunities (1/18/22)
How I Met Your Mother - 2/5 (1/31/2023)
Steubenville Registration is OPEN (2/3/2023)
Faith Formation Class & Family Feud Event (2/26/23)
Confirmation Packets & Confession - REMINDER (2/20/23)
Faith & Service Opportunities - During Lent (2/20/23)
Class / Soup & Stations / Confessions / Faith & Service (3/5/2023)
Confirmations Packets Due on March 23rd (3/15/23)